The Out Of Mind app

Jeff Deibel and I combined forces to take on a live UX design showdown for Adobe's Creative Jam 💪 We promised a once-in-a-lifetime event: a prototype filled with farts & funky typefaces, some profuse sweating, or at the very least, the opportunity to enjoy a beer as we went out in a blaze of glory 😂

The braindump

We started by getting all our ideas down on post-its, before organizing by concept and features, ultimately whittling down to an MVP. We also have a giant backlog and maybe-not-log for future releases.

Mindfulness is SO hot right now. So we needed to make a (back)splash.

Everybody's taking themselves so seriously, but if you know us, we definitely don't. We wanted to stand out from other mindfulness apps by being more lighthearted and playful, that's a little bit more outside the box.

The solution

Meet OOM

The Out Of Mind experience for the overwhelmed. We want to remind you to take care of yourself with a reprieve that cuts out the seriousness, giving you delightful little moments that meet you where you're at.

We kept our promises!

Made so many new fun connections!

Funky typefaces 💃

Some profuse sweating 🥵

AND the beers 🍻

Thanks Adobe!


Sugar Plum Clay